Center for Studies and Applied Sciences in Gender - Family - Women and Adolescents

General information

CSAGA is a non-governmental organization dedicated to promote the realization of women and girls' rights. Children are affected by stigma and violence in Vietnam.

We understand that gender inequality is the root cause of violence against women and girls.

We work hard to bring better opportunities for women and girls.

We work with different partners to promote the rights of women and children affected by stigma and violence.


The 1st donation for the GBV victim support office

CSAGA’s Support Office for Victims of Gender-based Violence was established in May, 2012. On annual average, the office supports about 1,000 cases of violence through...

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WikiGAP Việt Nam - Let's close the Internet Gender Gap

#WikiGap is a workshop where volunteers gather to add content to Wikipedia about women experts and role models in various fields. On October 19 Embassy of Sweden, UN...

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