Gender, conflict, and development
Mã sách: GEN - 39
Tác giả: Tsjeard Bouta, Georg Frerks, Ian Bannon
Nguồn: The World Bank
Năm xuất bản: 2013
Ngôn ngữ: Tiếng Việt
Số trang:
Chủ đề: Giới
Giá: Miễn phí
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This review aims to present a more nuanced understanding of gender dynamics in countries that are affected by conflict and, above all, to offer practical policy options that development agencies such as the World Bank can consider in the post-conflict reconstruction and development context. The links among Gender, conflict and development: gender and warfare: Female combatants and Soldiers' wives, gender-based and sexual violence, gender and formal peace processes, gender, informal peace processes and rebuilding civil society, gender and work...and further analysis on gender, conflict and development.